兰达纳米数码印刷机使用一种由纳米颜料制作而成的特殊的水基纳米油墨,该系列设备内置喷墨印刷头,根据数字化图文信息喷射出墨滴,并能检测这些纳米级别的微小墨滴。这些墨滴被喷射到运转的传送带上,这根传送带实际上是一种非常特殊的橡皮布。墨滴以精准的尺寸被喷射到这张特殊的橡皮布表面后,在其颜料粒子往橡皮布材料中渗透500纳米的同时即迅速干燥,该设备最高可实现8色印刷。当这张携带着图像的橡皮布与承印物相接触的时候,即处于加热状态,其上已经干燥的油墨则迅速被加热融化,并通过精准的压印100%转移到承印物上。此过程中不需要水,也没有后续干燥过程,是一个及其高效、高速和环保的过程。 以下为视频听译全文,仅供参考。 Landa: We use nanoink which is a special waterbased ink. It is made of nano pigments. And we have included injectors. They actually digitize the inks and survey e-ject microscopic drops. We see the e-ject microscopic droplets onto a moving conveying belt. this belt is a very special kind of blanket. so the drops land on the blanket they spread to the correct size and they dry out of the blanket as they dry superfine under 500 nanometers in the pigments. so about the time the convey is moving all over the end of the machine, it is now taking up to 8 colors to creat the entire digital image. this is a heated blanket and the inks are not as dry as probobly a hot and all of these do is kiss the surface of the paper or the plastic film and it 100% transfers well pounding deliciously to the substrates. so you never have to, there is no water getting in the paper ,there is no post drying. it is immediately hard resistance after procese the paper immediately after printing. it is even environmental and very efficency high speed process. |